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Psychology Club Membership


Active membership is awarded on a semester-by-semester basis. In order to be an active member for either the fall or spring semester, you must:

  • Pay club dues ($40/year or $25/semester) – this includes a Fall shirt

  • Attend half—that is, 3 out of 6—of the General Body Meetings (Email our Secretary at if you are unable to make it to a meeting and have a legitimate excuse such as work, class, research, etc.)

  • Earn one Academic, one Fundraising, one Philanthropy, and one Social point.



Exemplary membership is awarded on a semester-by-semester basis. In order to be an exemplary member for either the fall or spring semester, you must:

  • Pay club dues ($40/year or $25/semester) – this includes a Fall shirt

  • Attend half—that is, 3 out of 6—of the General Body Meetings (Email our Secretary at if you are unable to make it to a meeting and have a legitimate excuse such as work, class, research, etc.)

  • Earn two Academic, two Fundraising, two Philanthropy, and two Social point.

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